An effective mono diet for weight loss

Of all the known types of diets, mono-diets are perhaps the most difficult to use, since the diet is limited to one basic type of food. Due to the limitations of such diets, they are also the most short-term (no more than three days), since their prolonged use can harm your health. But if you urgently need to lose 2-3 kg, then this option may be one of the optimal and effective ones.

Mono diet for weight loss: the most popular types

• The most popular mono diet for weight loss is rice. The main idea is that rice is an excellent absorbent, which remarkably removes harmful substances, slags, and salts from the body. Thanks to this cleaning, not only excess weight is lost, but the body is naturally cleansed. Wild and unpolished rice is ideal for a diet, as it is not only delicious, but also contains a large amount of nutrients and vitamins. For three days, you are allowed to eat a glass of boiled rice, divided into several meals and wash down meals with apple juice. If you are practicing a similar diet for the first time, you can add a few small apples to your diet. Mineral water without gas is allowed. You need to forget about everything else for three days. It is recommended to take vitamins, especially those containing potassium for the normal functioning of the body.

• Buckwheat mono diet for weight loss is the next most popular. It is more satisfying, as the diet includes 2 cups of buckwheat and low-fat kefir. It is also allowed to drink a glass of fresh vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, tomatoes) in the morning and at lunch. Buckwheat is recommended to cook in the evening, steamed with 1.5 liters of boiling water. Kefir can be used instead of boiling water. In the morning, divide the porridge into four meals and eat throughout the day. Mineral water without gas is allowed. If you feel very hungry, then half an hour before bedtime you can treat yourself to a glass of kefir.

• Kefir mono diet for weight loss can be quite difficult and require a lot of willpower not to break down. The diet is very poor. Only 1.5 liters of kefir and 0.5 kg of vegetables or fruits are allowed to choose from. It is usually combined with boiled potatoes so that you don't get too hungry.

• The most delicious mono diet for weight loss is chocolate! Thanks to the calorie content of chocolate, you will not feel hungry, and the happiness hormone endorphin, which is contained in this product, will provide you with a great mood. In addition to chocolate, you can drink unsweetened coffee with milk and mineral water without gas at every meal. 150 grams of chocolate should be distributed in 4 doses as follows: 50 grams for breakfast and lunch, 25 grams for afternoon tea and dinner.

• Cucumber mono diet for weight loss perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and improves metabolism. In addition to a kilogram of cucumbers, from which you can make a salad with the addition of greens and low-fat sour cream or yogurt, it is allowed to drink a cup of coffee or tea after the main meals. You can also eat a few apples or other not very sweet fruits.

The main thing to remember is that mono diets should not be used more often than once every six months, so as not to harm your body. But in order to maintain weight, you can arrange fasting days on the principle of monodiet once a week or a month, depending on the need. Good luck! では、スピンするたびに大きな勝利がもたらされます。さまざまなゲーム、豊富なボーナスやプロモーション、素早い支払いを提供しています。私たちに参加して、ギャンブルの世界で大きな勝利を目指す旅を始めましょう!
